Wednesday 30 June 2010

Why I wear a Turban

I wear my Turban as a mark of Respect to my elders and the Gurus
I wear my Turban with Dignity
I wear my Turban as a Tribute to the Gurus
I wear my Turban to pray for all the Sikhs who have sacrificed their lives so we can have a better one
I wear my Turban with Pride to show to the world that I am Proud to be a Sikh
I wear my Turban as a sign of a humble creation of God
I wear my Turban so I can find another in the crowd
I wear my Turban because it is part of me and I would not have it any other way

So when you wear a turban it represents:
  • Respect
  • Dignity
  • Guru
  • Sacrifice
  • Pride
  • Humility
  • Identity
  • Who I am

Poem Source (

Saturday 22 May 2010

No.2 Protect your Amrit Vela (early morning)

Once Bhai Amardas Ji had found his Sat Guru (True Guru) he became a very dedicated Sikh and spent all his time doing Seva. Every day Bhai Ji used to wash Guru Ji's clothes, fetch dry wood from the jungle so that langar could be made, help prepare and serve langar.

Every morning he would wake up at midnight to fetch water from the river so that Guru Angad Dev Ji could have a bath with fresh water every day. Whilst doing this he would walk backwards from Khadur to the river so that he did not turn his back to Guru Ji.

Bhai Ji had a strange bed that was made of lots stones and one day a young Sikh person asked him why he had such a bed. Bhai Amardas Ji explained that he does not want to sleep on a soft bed as  he might go into a deep sleep and not wake up to do his seva. He said that when sleeping on stones he could only sleep lightly and for a little while. This, along with Bhai Ji's love and devotion for Guru Ji was why he was never late during his 12 years of service. 

Whilst we can never copy what the Sikh Guru's did we should learn from their teaching and follow their ways to the best of our ability. Where as we cannot sleep on a bed made out of stones we should:

  • Get up at Amrit Vela (early in the morning)
  • Do Esh-naan (have a bath)
  • Do our Nitnem (paat or prayer)

We should also go to the Gurdwara in the morning to:

  • Do Darshan of Guru Ji
  • Listen to Guru Ji's Bani 
  • Do Seva
  • Have Langar

Once there was an emperor who loved to sleep. Every day his servants would cover his soft bed with fresh roses and in the evening the emperor would sleep all night and wake up very late in the morning. The emperor had lost his way and had forgotten about the importance of Amrit Vela (getting up early in the morning and remembering Vaheguru).

One day, a servant came to clean the emperor bedroom and noticed the freshly laid roses on the bed.  She became very curious a wondered what it would be like to sleep on such a wonderful bed.

The servant always had aches and pains as her bed was very hard and made out of dry hay. She looked around and could not see anyone and quickly lay down on the bed. The bed felt very soft and she could smell the fragrance of the fresh roses. She felt so comfortable and soon fell asleep.

When the emperor returned he saw the servant sleeping on his bed. He became very angry and started shouting at her. He pulled her off the bed and ordered his soldiers to teach the servant a lesson by beating her.

Normally when someone is being beaten they scream and beg for forgiveness but this servant just kept on laughing.
The emperor noticed this and ordered his soldiers to stop. The emperor then asked "Why are you laughing when my soldiers are beating you, have you gone mad?”

The servant laughed out aloud and said "I was wondering what it was like to sleep on such a comfortable bed.

I soon relased that it was very soft and smelt so fresh roses and soon I fell asleep. Becuase I fell asleep on your bed you have punished me with a severe beating."

"I was laughing because I was thinking that I got a beating for sleeping for just one hour. What will happen to you for sleeping in this bed all the time? What beating will God give you for sleeping in that bed for many hours everyday?”

At that moment the emperor ordered his soldiers to let the servant go. He started thinking about what happened and realised that he had just been taught a very important lesson. He felt enlightened and realised that he had wasted much of his life just sleeping and had forgotten about God. From that day on he started to get up at Amrit Vela and would meditate on Gods name.

A useful facts:
AMRIT VELA, literally means the "ambrosial period". It is regarded by many dedicated Sikhs as the time anywhere from about 2-00 am. to 6 am.

Homework Questions
  1. What does Guru Mean?
  2. What does Sat Guru mean?
  3. What does Amrit Vela mean?
  4. What does Esh-Naan mean?
  5. List three types of Seva that Bhai Amardas Ji used to do.
  6. Who was Bhai Amardas Ji's Guru?
  7. What was Bhai Ji's bed made of and why?
  8. Why did Bhai ji walk backwards when going to the river?
  9. For how may years did Bhai Amardas Ji do seva?
  10. Was Bhai Ji every late when doing his seva?
  11. What things can we do during Amrit Vela?
  12. Guru Gobind Singh Ji asked his Sikhs to do Nitnem. What does Nitnem mean?
  13. How many Bani's should we recite as part of our Nitnem and when do we recite them?
Source: Bhai Guriqbal Sakhi on Sikh Channel

Friday 21 May 2010

No.1 Guru Nanak Dev Ji asks Bhai Mardana to accompany him on a Yatra

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was very young when he met a boy who had a very strange name. The boys name was Mar-Ja-Na which means "Will die".

When Guru Ji asked about this strange name the young boy explained that in his family all his brothers and sisters had died at a very early age and that he too would suffer from the same fate.

Guru Ji felt very sorry for this boy who was looking at him with a very long sad face and after a little pause Guru Ji said "don't worry my friend you will not die at a young age. You will live a long and happy life and will be remembered by future generations. From now on your name will be Bhai "Mar-Da-Na".

Bhai Mardana who sensed that this young person was very special was very happy as "Mar-Da-Na" meant "Will not die". From that day on Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana became very good friends and spent a lot of time together.
After many years had passed Guru Nanak Dev Ji decided that it was time to embark on a long journey to spread the word of God.

So Guru Ji stopped working at the Granary store in Saltanpur and asked his friend and companion Bhai Mardana Ji to accompany him on his Yatra to spread the word of Vaheguru.

Bhai Mardana Ji who was always at peace in Guru Ji's presence was humbled and honoured. Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained to Bhai Mardana that if he wanted to accompany him then he would have to follow three golden rules:

1. Always get up early in the morning (Amrit Vela) to remember God

2. Never say anything bad about religious people (Sadhus, Sants, Pirs, Fakirs)

3. Do not cut any of your hair.

Bhai Mardana Ji readily agreed and he always followed the three golden rules. Every where they went Bhai Mardana would play the rebab and Guru Ji would sing the shabads of God. They helped many people on their travels.

Many years had passed. Gurur Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana Ji had completed four long Yatras. By now Bhai Mardana Ji was very old and frail. He was also very sick and was not going to survive for much longer.

Guru Ji went to Bhai Mardana's bedside and said "Bhai Mardana your were born a Muslim, shall I make you a magnificent tomb so that people will remember you forever?".

Bhai Mardana looked into Guru Ji eyes and said "Guru Ji you have always given me freedom from this world so why do you want to lock me up in a tomb now? You are my True Guru and have always helped me, guided me and kept me safe so, can you please decide for me?". The next morning Bhai Mardana passed away.

Guru Ji had Bhai Mardana's body cremated along the banks of the River Ravi. Everyone in the Sat Sangat sang Shabads and Karah Parshad was distributed to all the thousands of mourners that had come to pay their last respects. 

Guru Ji gave comfort to Bhai Mardana's family and asked them not to weep. He said that Bhai Mardana had returned to his heavenly home and was now in the presence of Vaheguru.

Homework Questions:

  1. Who is Vaheguru?
  2. What does Vaheguru mean?
  3. What does Yatra mean?
  4. What were the tree golden rules that Guru Ji asked Bhai Mardana to follow?
  5. What does “Bhai” mean?
  6. Some say that Sikhs were told not to cut their hair after the Khalsa had been created by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Is this true?
  7. What is a Rebab (see picture for clue)?
  8. Who was the other person that used to travel with Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana?
  9. How many journeys did Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana go on?
  10. What does “Sat” mean? Give examples of when you would use the word “Sat”?
  11. Was Guru Ji right when he said Mardana would be remembered forever?