Wednesday 30 June 2010

Why I wear a Turban

I wear my Turban as a mark of Respect to my elders and the Gurus
I wear my Turban with Dignity
I wear my Turban as a Tribute to the Gurus
I wear my Turban to pray for all the Sikhs who have sacrificed their lives so we can have a better one
I wear my Turban with Pride to show to the world that I am Proud to be a Sikh
I wear my Turban as a sign of a humble creation of God
I wear my Turban so I can find another in the crowd
I wear my Turban because it is part of me and I would not have it any other way

So when you wear a turban it represents:
  • Respect
  • Dignity
  • Guru
  • Sacrifice
  • Pride
  • Humility
  • Identity
  • Who I am

Poem Source (

1 comment:

  1. You've got a spelling mistake in Learning Levels, Level 4. You wrote "The Powe of Five." It's supposed to be the POWER of Five
